Forms and lists
- Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser according to ADR 1.8.3
- Explanations for the Ordinance on the authorisation of shippers for the transport of dangerous goods (Erläuterungen zur GGBV, Guide concernant OCS)
- Authorities responsible for the enforcement of the ordinance on the authorisation of shippers for the transport of dangerous goods (Vollzugsstellen GGBV, Autorité d'exécution OCS)
- Examining sections for the ordinance on the authorisation of shippers for the transport of dangerous goods (Prüfungsstellen GGBV, organes chargés des examens OCS)
- CITES export permit request form (Ausfuhrgesuch für lebende Wildtiere und Pflanzen, Demandes de permis d'exportation pour des animaux et des plantes sauvages)
- CITES list of plants (Das Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommen CITES.
Anhänge I - III: Pflanzen, auf Deutsch)
- Delivery note (Word, 37kb)
- Shipper's declaration (pdf, 572 kb)
- Instructions in writing: Example of a Transport Emergency Card (TREM-Card) for UN 2900, surface tranpsort only. TREM Card French; TREM-Card German
- Import of human pathogens for the use in contained systems Contact: Federal Office of Public Health, Biological Safety, 3003 Berne, biosafety(at)
- SECO: list of human and animal pathogens and toxins 1C351, requirement for genetic elements of pathogens 1C353 and requirements for plant pathogens 1C354 (Rechtliche Grundlagen und Güterlisten (Anhänge); Bases légales et listes des biens (annexes) )
- FOAG: phytosanitary measures - importation of plants
- Transport document VeVA (Begleitschein für den Verkehr mit Sonderabfällen in der Schweiz; pdf, 39kb)
- Visual aid packaging. Example for P 620 (Category A) and P 650 (Category B); (Power Point, 818kb)
- Visual aid: labelling and marking for category A (pdf, 90 kb)
- Visual aid: labelling and marking for category B (pdf, 96 kb)
- National licence for the transport of infectious substances and genetically modified organisms: training courses organised by ASTAG (Schweizerischer Nutzfahrzeugverband; Association suisse des transports routiers)
- Cooling agents (pdf, 110 kb)
- Explanation to the Cartagena-Ordinance (Erläuterungen zum Vorgehen bei der Ein- und Ausfuhr von gentechnisch veränderten Organismen; pdf, 62kb)
- Genetically modified organisms: Exemptions. ADR, note 2 (pdf, 196kb). Page 254 of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road ADR