Infectious substances, Category A

Category A infectious substances are human and animal pathogens which, when exposed, are capable of causing permanent disability, life-threatening or fatal disease in otherwise healthy humans and which are listed as Category A infectious substances (ADR / IATA).
They include, but are not limited to:

  • Cultures, patient specimens and liquid waste of all viruses of risk group 4
  • Cultures of some viruses and bacteria of risk group 3 as listed in ADR / IATA.
  • Pathogens and new or emerging infectious substances not listed as category A infectious substances, but which, when exposed, are nevertheless capable of causing permanent disability, life-threatening or fatal disease in otherwise healthy humans or animals.

  • Infectious substance, affecting humans: UN 2814
  • Infectious substance, affecting animals only: UN 2900
UN-Number Proper shipping name Class Packing instruction ADR Bulk containers (ADR Packing instruction IATA
2814 Infectious substance, affecting humans 6.2 P620 - PI620
2814 Infectious substance, affecting humans (in refrigerated liquid nitrogen) 6.2 P620 - PI620
2814 Infectious substance, affecting humans (animal material only) 6.2 P620 BK1 BK2 PI620
2900 Infectious substance, affecting animals only 6.2 P620 - PI620
2900 Infectious substance, affecting animals only (in refrigerated liquid nitrogen) 6.2 P620 - PI620
2900 Infectious substance, affecting animals only (animal material only) 6.2 P620 BK1 BK2 PI620

Category A samples must be packed according to Packing Instruction P620 (ADR) or PI602 (IATA), respectively:

  • Packaging instructions P620 for UN 2814 & 2900, ADR 4.1.4
  • Packaging instructions PI602 (air), ICAO, Annex 18, technical instructions

Both packaging instructions require a triple packaging which has to be UN-certified.
Inner packagings:

  • leak-proof primary receptacle(s), i.e. tubes, petri dishes, small bottles,
  • leak-proof secondary packaging, i.e. plastic bottles, containers and
    • - for liquids: absorbent material between primary receptacle and secondary packaging to fully absorb liquid in case of leak or breakage,
    • - when multiple fragile primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary packaging, they are either individually wrapped or separated to prevent contact between them.

A rigid outer packaging, i.e. drums, boxes or jerricans with a smallest external dimension of minimal 100 mm.

For air transport only: the maximum net quantity per package is 50 ml or 50 g, respectively, without coolants.

  • UN number and proper shipping name: UN 2814, infectious substance, affecting humans (description of content)
  • Name and address of consigner and consignee, phone number of responsible person
  • UN label for class 6.2., infectious substances
  • If solid carbon dioxide is used: ‘Carbon dioxide, solid’, as coolant

Additionally for air transport:

  • Net quantity
  • Hazard labels: UN label for class 6.2., infectious substances, orientation arrows (when volume exceeds 50 ml)
  • If solid carbon dioxide is used: ‘Carbon dioxide, solid’ as coolant, UN 1845, net quantity, class 9 hazard label

Dangerous goods transport document (ADR 5.4.1), including

  • UN number: UN 2814 or UN 2900
  • proper shipping name (infectious substance, affecting humans or infectious substances, infecting animals, respectively), scientific name in brackets
  • hazard class 6.2
  • total net quantity
  • name and address of the consigner and the consignee
  • name and phone number of a responsible person (ADR
  • Itemized list of contents between secondary packaging and outer packaging (ADR For unknowns indicate: infectious substance affecting humans (suspected Category A infectious substance)
  • Instructions for carrier what to do in case of an accident (instructions in writing, ADR 5.4.3)
  • Delivery note/ (pro forma) invoice for customs
  • Required permits.

Additionally for air transport:


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Last edition: 10.06.2024