Solid medical waste, Category A
Definition / Classification
Solid medical or clinical wastes derived from the medical treatment of humans or animals or from bio-research, containing or consisting of human pathogens or zoonotic agents listed as category A infectious substances (ADR
For wastes containing Category A infectious substances derived from bio-research or liquid waste please refer to transport sheet “Infectious substances, Category A”
Identification / UN number
Medical or clinical wastes containing Category A infectious substances shall be assigned to UN No. 2814, UN No. 2900 or UN No. 3549, as appropriate.
Solid medical waste containing Category A infectious substances generated from the medical treatment of humans or veterinary treatment of animals may be assigned to UN No. 3549:
- 3549, Medical waste, Category A, affecting humans, solid
- 3549, Medical waste, Category A, affecting animals only, solid
UN-Number | Proper shipping name | Class | Packing instruction ADR | Packing instruction IATA |
3549 | Medical waste, Category A, affecting humans, solid | 6.2 | P622 | PI 622 |
3549 | Medical waste, Category A, affecting animals only, solid | 6.2 | P622 | PI 622 |
Solid medical waste assigned to UN No. 3549 must be packed according to Packing Instruction P622, LP622 (ADR) or PI 622 (IATA, cargo aircraft only).
UN certified triple packagings must be used, with the outer packaging conforming to packing group I for solids.
Labelling and marking
According to ADR
- UN number and proper shipping name: e.g.. UN 3549, Medical waste, Category A, affecting humans, solid (description of content)
- Name and address of consigner and consignee, phone number of responsible person
- UN label for class 6.2., infectious substances
According to VeVA
- «Sonderabfälle», «déchets spéciaux» or «rifiuti speciali».
- No. 18 01 03 for infectious waste according to the Ordinance on Movements of Waste (VeVA).
Transport documents
Dangerous goods transport document (ADR 5.4.1), including
- UN number: UN 3549 Waste
- Proper shipping name (e.g. medical waste, Category A, affecting humans, solid)
- Hazard class 6.2
- Total net quantity
- Name and address of the consigner and the consignee
- Name and phone number of a responsible person (ADR
- Delivery note / (pro forma) invoice for customs
- Instructions for carrier what to do in case of an accident (instructions in writing), ADR 5.4.3.
Transport declaration document according to the Ordinance on Movements of Waste (VeVA), Annex I
- Guideline on treatment of medical waste (FOEN 2021, available in German, French and Italian)
- Recommendation of the Swiss Expert Committee on the treatment and disposal of waste produced in contained systems
- Instructions in writing
- Transport document: Begleitschein für den Verkehr mit Sonderabfällen in der Schweiz, Document de suivi pour les mouvements de déchets spéciaux à l'intérieur de la Suisse
- Vollzugshilfe zur Entsorgung von Abfällen aus Einrichtungen des Gesundheitsdienstes, (LAGA 2021, D) (in German)
- Containment Ordinance
- Ordinance on Movements of Waste VeVA (in German)
- Ordinance on the disposal of animal by-products (in German)