Medical waste, Category B

Medical or clinical wastes derived from the medical treatment of humans or animals or from bio-research, containing or consisting of human pathogens or zoonotic agents NOT listed as category A infectious substances (ADR

  • Clinical waste, unspecified, N.O.S.: UN 3291
  • (Bio)medical waste, N.O.S.: UN 3291
  • Regulated medical waste, N.O.S: UN 3291
UN-Number Name and description (proper shipping name) Class Packing instruction ADR Bulk containers (ADR
3291 Clinical waste, unspecified, N.O.S. , or (Bio)medical waste, N.O.S. or Regulated medical waste, N.O.S. 6.2 P621 IBC620 LP621 BK2
3291 Clinical waste, unspecified, N.O.S. , or (Bio)medical waste, N.O.S. or Regulated medical waste, N.O.S. (in refrigerated liquid nitrogen) 6.2 P621 IBC620 LP621  

Medical waste must be packed according to Packing Instruction P621, IBC620 or LP621 (ADR) or PI620 (IATA), respectively:

  • Packaging instruction P621
  • Packaging instruction IBC620
  • Packaging instruction LP621


The packaging has to be UN-certified.

  • Rigid, leak-proof, break-proof packaging, with sufficient absorbent material included to absorb the entire amount of liquid present. The packaging has to be capable of retaining liquids.
  • Packaging not to be reopened.
  • Packaging intended to contain sharp objects such as broken glass and needles shall be resistant to puncture and retain liquids.
  • The bulk transport of wastes is permitted according to ADR

According to ADR:

  • UN number and proper shipping name: UN3291, Clinical waste, unspecified, N.O.S; Biomedical waste, N.O.S. or regulated medical waste N.O.S.
  • Name and address of consigner and consignee, phone number of responsible person.
  • UN label for class 6.2, infectious substances.

According to VeVA, list of wastes, if more than 50 kg:

  • «Sonderabfälle», «déchets spéciaux» or«rifiuti speciali».
  • No. 18 01 03 for infectious waste according to the Ordinance on Movements of Waste (VeVA).
  • For sharps: Add also No. 18 01 01 according to the Ordinance on Movements of Waste (VeVA).
  • Number of transport document.

Dangerous goods transport document (ADR 5.4.1), including

  • UN number preceded by the letter "UN" and by the word "Waste" (Waste, UN 3291)
  • Proper shipping name (clinical waste, unspecified, n.o.s)
  • Hazard class 6.2
  • Total net quantity
  • Name and address of the consigner and the consignee
  • Name and phone number of a responsible person (ADR
  • Delivery note / (pro forma) invoice for customs

Waste of more than 50 kg: Transport document according to the Ordinance on Movements of Waste (VeVA), Annex I

If more than 333 kg: Instructions for carrier what to do in case of an accident (instructions in writing), ADR 5.4.3).

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Last edition: 19.12.2023