Genetically modified plants
Definition / Classification
- Genetically modified plants, plant parts and seeds;
- Plants, plant parts and seeds intentionally infected with genetically modified microorganisms.
Identification / UN number
- Genetically modified organism, UN 3245
UN-Number | Proper shipping name | Class | Packing instruction ADR | Packing instruction IATA |
3245 | Genetically modified organism | 9 | P904 is not applicable to living plants | PI959 is not applicable to living plants |
Packaging for genetically modified plants and plant material
For genetically modified plant material with germinating potential (seeds, tubers, whole plants carrying mature seeds or pollen etc.), the packaging must be able to prevent any dissemination in the environment.
For whole plants the inner packaging has to be appropriate to protect the plant (sufficiently aerated packaging with a filling compound to minimize desiccation, movement or damage of the plant).
A triple packaging is required.
Inner packaging:
- primary receptacle(s);
- secondary packacking.
Outer packaging with one of the dimensions at least 100mm. Either the secondary packaging or the outer packaging must be rigid and sturdy enough to prevent damage from transport.
Seeds can be packed according to packing instruction P904 or PI959, respectively (see transport sheet for genetically modified microorganisms).
Note: Genetically modified (micro)organisms packed and marked in accordance with packing instruction P904 (ADR) and PI959 (IATA/ICAO) are not subject to any other requirement of ADR and IATA/ICAO, respectively.
Packaging for plants infected with genetically modified microorganisms
For whole plants the packaging has to be appropriate to protect the plant (sufficiently aerated packaging with a filling compound to minimize desiccation, movement or damage of the plant).
A triple packaging is required.
Inner packaging:
- primary receptacle(s) adequate to prevent release of microorganisms;
- secondary packaging.
Outer packaging with one of the dimensions at least 100mm. Either the secondary packaging or the outer packaging must be rigid and sturdy enough to prevent damage from transport.
Seeds can be packed according to packing instruction P904 or PI959, respectively (see transport sheet for genetically modified microorganisms).
Note: Genetically modified (micro)organisms packed and marked in accordance with packing instruction P904 (ADR) and PI959 (IATA/ICAO) are not subject to any other requirement of ADR and IATA/ICAO, respectively.
Labelling and marking
- Name and address of consigner and consignee;
- Mark: diamond-shaped mark with minimum dimensions of 50mm by 50mm containing the UN number UN 3245 (at least 6 mm high);
- Lebende Pflanzen / plantes vivantes, international: "live plants";
- Orientation arrows on two opposite sides.
Additionally for air transport:
- UN number and proper shipping name: UN 3245 (diamond-shaped mark), genetically modified organism, scientific name in brackets;
- Phone number of responsible person;
- Net quantity / number of plants.
Transport documents
- Delivery note with itemized list of contents recommended;
- Required permits;
- Transport documentation (according to Cartagena Ordinance art. 4) for the trans-boundary movement of living genetically modified organisms intended for contained use only.
Additionally for air transport:
Air Waybill for air transport (form provided and filled out by carrier).
Note: A shipper's declaration for dangerous goods and instructions in writing are not required for UN 3245 if packed in accordance with P904 or PI959, respectively.
- Transport information (AWEL, ZH)
- Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (FOEN)
- Ordinance on the Transboundary Movements of Genetically Modified Organisms (Cartagena-Ordinance)
- Ordinance on plant health (Pflanzengesundheitsverordnung, Ordonnance sur la santé des végétaux)
- Release Ordinance