Infected plants
Definition / Classification
Plants, plant parts and seeds which have been intentionally infected with microorganisms capable of causing disease in plants.
Identification / UN number
Plant pathogens are not considered as dangerous goods.
For whole plants the packaging has to be appropriate to protect the plant (sufficiently aerated packaging with a filling compound to minimize desiccation, movement or damage of the plant).
The required packaging depends on the classification of the pathogenic microorganism.
Risk group 1 microorganisms: a single packaging is sufficient.
Risk group 2 microorganisms and unidentified microorganisms for diagnostic purposes:
- Primary receptacle adequate to prevent release of pathogens;
- Secondary packaging rigid and sturdy enough to prevent damage from transport.
Risk group 3 microorganisms and quarantine organisms: a triple packaging is recommended:
Inner packaging:
- Primary receptacle adequate to prevent release of microorganisms;
- Secondary packaging.
Outer packaging. Either the secondary packaging or the outer packaging must be rigid and sturdy enough to prevent damage from transport.
Infected seeds can be packaged according to the Transport Sheet for plant pathogens.
Labelling and marking
- Name and address of consigner and consignee, phone number of responsible person recommended;
- Lebende Pflanzen / plantes vivantes, international: "live plants", number of plants recommended;
- Orientation arrows on two opposite sides.
Transport documents
- Delivery note with itemized list of contents recommended;
- Required permits;
- For quarantine organisms listed in annexes 1 and 2 of the Plant Protection Ordinance, the transport requirements have to be defined case-by-case.
- Trade in plant material (FOAG)
- Transport information (AWEL, ZH)
CITES export permit request form (Ausfuhrgesuch für lebende Wildtiere und Pflanzen, Demandes de permis d'exportation pour des animaux et des plantes sauvages)
Plant Health Ordinance (Pflanzengesundheitsverordnung, Ordonnance sur la santé des végétaux)