Invasive alien plants – Early detection for rapid response
This SECB information brochure highlights the need for early detection of invasive alien plants and for immediate action to prevent the arrival of invasive alien species and the spread of those already present.
Much has been achieved since this brochure first appeared in 2014. For example, the Swiss Strategy on Invasive Alien Species has been released, and a new overview of alien species and their impact has been published. These developments have been included in the brochure. There is also an illustrated middle section on new, little-known invasive plants that may pose increased problems in the future, also in the context of global warming.
The brochure is available in German, French and Italian:
Invasive gebietsfremde Arten: Früh erkennen - sofort handeln (April 2023). Keine gedruckte Fassung vorhanden.
Plantes exotiques envahissantes : détection précoce – réaction immédiate (avril 2023). Pas de version imprimée disponible.
Piante alloctone invasive. Rilevamento precoce - risposta immediata (aprile 2023). Versione stampata non disponibile.